Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

University of Arts

Licensing Document: VKM Nr. 234, datë 23.03.2011
Accreditation Document: Vendim BA Nr. 17, datë 24.03.2022
Category: University
Type: Public
Status: Active
Address: Sheshi Nënë Tereza, Tiranë
Tel: +355 4 2225488
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.uart.edu.al
  1. Akreditim institucional
  1. Akreditim institucional
Master i Arteve Acting and Teaching
Master i Arteve Conducting and Teaching
Master i Arteve Bassoon and Teaching
Master i Arteve Flute and Teaching
Master profesional Accordion and Teaching
Master profesional Guitar and Teaching
No. Study program Information
1 Bachelor Muzikë Jazz HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
2 Bachelor Perkusion HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
3 Bachelor Fotografi HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
4 Bachelor Skulpturë Qeramikë HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
5 Bachelor Pikturë Kavalet HEI Unit: Department of Painting
6 Bachelor Pikturë Tekstilë dhe Modë HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
7 Bachelor Pikturë Monumentale HEI Unit: Department of Painting
8 Bachelor Pikturë Multimedia HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
9 Bachelor Pikturë Grafikë HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
10 Bachelor Violinë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
11 Bachelor Dirizhim HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
12 Bachelor Këngëtarë HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
13 Bachelor Fryma HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
14 Bachelor Harqe HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
15 Bachelor Fizarmonikë Klasike HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
16 Bachelor Pedagogji Muzikore HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
17 Bachelor Kanto HEI Unit: Department of Canto
18 Bachelor Bas-tub HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
19 Bachelor Trombonë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
20 Bachelor Trombë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
21 Bachelor Korno HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
22 Bachelor Fagot HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
23 Bachelor Klarinetë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
24 Bachelor Oboe HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
25 Bachelor Flaut HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
26 Bachelor Kontrabas HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
27 Bachelor Kitarë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
28 Bachelor Violë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
29 Bachelor Violinçel HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
30 Bachelor Piano HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
31 Bachelor Muzikologji HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
32 Bachelor Kompozicion HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
33 Bachelor Skulpturë HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
34 Bachelor Koreografi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
35 Bachelor Skenografi - Kostumografi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
36 Bachelor Regji HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
37 Bachelor Aktrim HEI Unit: Department of Acting and Theory
38 Bachelor Regjisor Filmi dhe Televizioni HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
39 Professional Master Bastub dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
40 Professional Master Fizarmonikë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 35 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2030
41 Professional Master Kitarë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 37 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2028
42 Professional Master Pedagogji Muzikore dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
43 Professional Master Bas-tub HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
44 Professional Master Pedagogji Muzikore HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
45 Professional Master Fizarmonikë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
46 Professional Master Kitarë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
47 Master of Science Muzikologji dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
48 Master of Science Mësuesi Arti HEI Unit: Faculty of Fine Arts
49 Master of Science Muzikologji HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
50 Phd Arte Pamore HEI Unit: Department of Painting
51 Phd Muzikologji HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
52 Phd Arte Skenike HEI Unit: Faculty of Dramatic Art
53 MND Interpretim me profil: a. Flaut; b. Klarinetë; c. Muzikë Dhome; ç. Piano; d. Violinë; dh. Violinçel; e. Violë HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
54 MND Muzikologji HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
55 MND Kompozim HEI Unit: Faculty of Music
56 Master of Arts Skulpturë Qeramike dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
57 Master of Arts Skulpturë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
58 Master of Arts Pikturë Multimedia dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
59 Master of Arts Pikturë Tekstili dhe Modë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
60 Master of Arts Pikturë Kavaleti dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Painting
61 Master of Arts Pikturë Monumentale dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Painting
62 Master of Arts Pikturë Grafik dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
63 Master of Arts Regji Filmi dhe Televizioni dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
64 Master of Arts Koreografi dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
65 Master of Arts Skenografi - Kostumografi dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
66 Master of Arts Regji Teatri dhe Spektakli dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
67 Master of Arts Aktrim dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Acting and Theory

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 32 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2029
68 Master of Arts Kompozim dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
69 Master of Arts Dirizhim dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 33 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2029
70 Master of Arts Kanto dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Canto
71 Master of Arts Trombon dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
72 Master of Arts Trombë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
73 Master of Arts Korno dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
74 Master of Arts Klarinetë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
75 Master of Arts Fagotë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 34 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2030
76 Master of Arts Oboe dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
77 Master of Arts Flaut dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 36 datë 12.01.2024 Vlefshmëria 01-12-2024 deri më 01-11-2030
78 Master of Arts Kontrabas dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
79 Master of Arts Violinçel dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
80 Master of Arts Violë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
81 Master of Arts Violinë dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
82 Master of Arts Piano dhe Mësuesi HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
83 Master of Arts Skulpturë Qeramikë HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
84 Master of Arts Skulpturë HEI Unit: Department of Sculpture
85 Master of Arts Pikturë Monumentale HEI Unit: Department of Painting
86 Master of Arts Pikturë Kavaleti HEI Unit: Department of Painting
87 Master of Arts Pikturë Multimedia HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
88 Master of Arts Pikturë Tekstili dhe Mode HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
89 Master of Arts Pikturë Grafik HEI Unit: Department of Applied Arts
90 Master of Arts Regji Filmi dhe Televizion HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
91 Master of Arts Koreografi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
92 Master of Arts Skenografi - Kostumografi HEI Unit: Department of Scenography-Choreography
93 Master of Arts Aktrim HEI Unit: Department of Acting and Theory
94 Master of Arts Regji Teatri dhe Spektakli HEI Unit: Department of Direction and Film & TV Direction
95 Master of Arts Kompozim HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
96 Master of Arts Dirizhim HEI Unit: Department of Composition-Musicology-Conducting-Music Education
97 Master of Arts Trombonë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
98 Master of Arts Korno HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
99 Master of Arts Trombë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
100 Master of Arts Fagotë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
101 Master of Arts Oboe HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
102 Master of Arts Klarinetë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
103 Master of Arts Flaut HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
104 Master of Arts Kontrabas HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
105 Master of Arts Këngë Lirike HEI Unit: Department of Canto
106 Master of Arts Violonçel HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
107 Master of Arts Violë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
108 Master of Arts Violinë HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation
109 Master of Arts Piano HEI Unit: Department of Interpretation