Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education

Polytechnic University of Tirana

Licensing Document: VKM Nr. 215, datë 15.07.1991
Accreditation Document: Vendim BA Nr. 01, datë 07.01.2022
Category: University
Type: Public
Status: Active
Address: Sheshi Nënë Tereza, Tiranë
Tel: +35542278159
Website: www.upt.al
  1. Akreditim institucional
  1. Akreditim institucional
Master profesional Electric Power System
Bachelor Electrical Engineering, profile Power System
Bachelor Mechatronics Engineering
Bachelor Textile and Fashion Engineering
Bachelor Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor Materials Engineering
Bachelor Telecommunication Engineering
Bachelor Computer Engineering
Bachelor Electronic Engineering
Bachelor Economic Engineering
No. Study program Information
1 Bachelor Inxhinieri Kimike HEI Unit: Department of Chemistry
2 Bachelor Inxhinieri Elektrike profili, Energjitikë HEI Unit: Department of Electric Power Systems

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 190 datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2028
3 Bachelor Inxhinieri Elektrike profili, Automatizim i Industrisë HEI Unit: Department of Automation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 189 datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2028
4 Bachelor Inxhinieri e Naftës dhe Gazit HEI Unit: Department of Energy Resources
5 Bachelor Inxhinieri e Burimeve Minerare HEI Unit: Department of Mineral Resources Engineering
6 Bachelor Arkitekturë Interieri dhe Dizajn HEI Unit: Department of Architecture
7 Bachelor Inxhinieri Mekatronike HEI Unit: Department of Automation

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 187 datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2028
8 Bachelor Inxhinieri Elektrike HEI Unit: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
9 Bachelor Inxhinieri Tekstile e Modë HEI Unit: Department of Textile and Fashion

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 188 datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2029
10 Bachelor Inxhinieri Mekanike HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 184 datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2027
11 Bachelor Inxhinieri Materiale HEI Unit: Department of Production and Management

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 186 datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2025
12 Bachelor Inxhinieri të Telekomunikacioneve HEI Unit: Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 191 datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2028
13 Bachelor Inxhinieri Informatike HEI Unit: Department of Computer Engineering

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 183 datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2028
14 Bachelor Inxhinieri Elektronike HEI Unit: Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 185 datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2028
15 Bachelor Inxhinieri Gjeomjedisi HEI Unit: Department of Earth Sciences
16 Bachelor Inxhinieri Gjeoinformatikë HEI Unit: Department of Applied Geology, Geo-informatics
17 Bachelor Inxhinieri e Burimeve Natyrore HEI Unit: Faculty of Geology and Mining
18 Bachelor Inxhinieri Gjeologjike HEI Unit: Department of Earth Sciences
19 Bachelor Inxhinieri Ekonomike HEI Unit: Department of Production and Management

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 192, datë 25.11.2023 Vlefshmëria 11-25-2023 deri më 11-24-2028
20 Bachelor Inxhinierinë Matematike HEI Unit: Department of Mathematics Engineering
21 Bachelor Inxhinierinë Fizike HEI Unit: Department of Physics Engineering
22 Bachelor Gjeodezi HEI Unit: Department of Geodesy
23 Bachelor Inxhinieri Mjedisi HEI Unit: Department of Environmental Engineering
24 Bachelor Inxhinieri Hidroteknike HEI Unit: Department of Hydraulics and Hydrotechnics
25 Bachelor Inxhinieri Ndërtimi HEI Unit: Department of Construction and Transport Infrastructure
26 Professional Master Inxhinieri Software HEI Unit: Faculty of Information Technology
27 Professional Master Elektroenergjitikë HEI Unit: Department of Electric Power Systems

Historiku i akreditimit

1 - Akredituar me Vendim BA Nr. 65 datë 15.03.2024 Vlefshmëria 03-15-2024 deri më 03-14-2029
28 Professional Master Inxhinieri Gjeologjike - profili Vendburimet e Mineraleve të Dobishme - Petrologji HEI Unit: Department of Applied Geology, Geo-informatics
29 Professional Master Inxhinieri Gjeologjike - profili Gjeologji Inxhinierike dhe Hidrogjeologji HEI Unit: Department of Applied Geology, Geo-informatics
30 Professional Master Inxhinieri Gjeologjike - profili Gjeologji e Vendburimeve Hidrokarbure HEI Unit: Department of Applied Geology, Geo-informatics
31 Professional Master Inxhinieri Gjeologjike - profili Gjeoinformatikë HEI Unit: Department of Applied Geology, Geo-informatics
32 Professional Master Inxhinierinë e Naftës dhe Gazit HEI Unit: Department of Energy Resources
33 Professional Master Inxhinieri e Burimeve Minerare - profili "Gjeomatikë" HEI Unit: Department of Mineral Resources Engineering
34 Professional Master Inxhinierine e Burimeve Minerare - profili "Pasurimi i Mineraleve dhe Riciklimi i Mbetjeve" HEI Unit: Department of Mineral Resources Engineering
35 Professional Master Konstruksion HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
36 Professional Master Elektroenergjetikë HEI Unit: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
37 Professional Master Inxhinieri Tekstili dhe Modë HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
38 Professional Master Teknologji Mekanike HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
39 Professional Master Restaurim monumentesh kulture HEI Unit: Department of Restoration and Technology of Architecture
40 Professional Master Inxhinieri Telekomunikacioni HEI Unit: Faculty of Information Technology
41 Professional Master Inxhinieri Elektronike HEI Unit: Faculty of Information Technology
42 Professional Master Inxhinieri Informatike HEI Unit: Department of Computer Engineering
43 Professional Master Inxhinieri Matematike me profil Aktuaristikë HEI Unit: Department of Mathematics Engineering
44 Professional Master Inxhinieri Materiale HEI Unit: Department of Production and Management
45 Professional Master Inxhinieri Mekanike - Profili Energjitikë HEI Unit: Department of Energy
46 Professional Master Inxhinieri Transporti HEI Unit: Department of Mechanics
47 Professional Master Inxhinieri Mekatronike HEI Unit: Department of Automation
48 Professional Master Inxhinieri Elektrike - Profili Automatizimi i Industrisë HEI Unit: Department of Automation
49 Professional Master Inxhinieri e Burimeve Minerare - profili "Inxhinieri Minerare" HEI Unit: Department of Mineral Resources Engineering
50 Professional Master Inxhinieri Gjeologjike, me profil Mineralogji – Gjeokimi – Petrologji – Statigrafi HEI Unit: Faculty of Geology and Mining
51 Professional Master Inxhinieri Gjeomjedisi HEI Unit: Department of Earth Sciences
52 Professional Master Inxhinieri Informatike HEI Unit: Faculty of Information Technology
53 Professional Master Teknologji Informacioni HEI Unit: Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
54 Professional Master Inxhinieri Gjeodezi HEI Unit: Department of Geodesy
55 Professional Master Inxhinieri Hidroteknike HEI Unit: Department of Hydraulics and Hydrotechnics
56 Professional Master Inxhinieri Mjedisi HEI Unit: Department of Environmental Engineering
57 Professional Master Inxhinieri Ndërtimi HEI Unit: Faculty of Civil Engineering
58 Professional Master Inxhinieri Matematike në Analiza Sistemesh HEI Unit: Department of Mathematics Engineering
59 Professional Master Inxhinieri Fizike në Mjekësi HEI Unit: Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Engineering
60 Professional Master Planifikimi i Sistemeve të Transportit, Menaxhimi i Trafikut dhe Siguria Rrugore HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
61 Master of Science Inteligjencë Artificiale dhe Optimizim HEI Unit: Department of Computer Engineering
62 Master of Science Inxhinieri Mekanike me profil "Energjitikë" HEI Unit: Department of Energy
63 Master of Science Inxhinieri Mekatronike HEI Unit: Department of Automation
64 Master of Science Inxhinieri e Naftës, dhe Gazit HEI Unit: Department of Energy Resources
65 Master of Science Inxhinieri e Burimeve Minerare profili "Pasurimi i Mineraleve dhe riciklimi i mbetjeve" HEI Unit: Faculty of Geology and Mining
66 Master of Science Inxhinieri e Burimeve Minerare profili "Inxhinieri Minerare dhe Markshajderi" HEI Unit: Department of Mineral Resources Engineering
67 Master of Science Inxhinieri Fizike me profile "Fizikan Mjekësor" dhe "Inxhinier Fizik" HEI Unit: Department of Physics Engineering
68 Master of Science Inxhinieri Industriale HEI Unit: Faculty of Geology and Mining
69 Master of Science Inxhinieri GIS dhe Modelim Minerar HEI Unit: Faculty of Geology and Mining
70 Master of Science Menaxhim Energjie HEI Unit: Department of Energy
71 Master of Science Inxhinieri Ekonomike HEI Unit: Department of Production and Management
72 Master of Science Inxhinieri Gjeofizike HEI Unit: Faculty of Geology and Mining
73 Master of Science Inxhinieri e Gjeomjedisit HEI Unit: Department of Earth Sciences
74 Master of Science Inxhinieri e Burimeve Natyrore, me profile: a. Inxhinieri e burimeve të energjisë; b. Përpunim mineralesh dhe mbetjesh; c. Gjeomatikë; d. Gjeoinxhinieri HEI Unit: Faculty of Geology and Mining
75 Master of Science Inxhinieri Matematike HEI Unit: Department of Mathematics Engineering
76 Master of Science Inxhinieri Fizike HEI Unit: Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Engineering
77 Master of Science Inxhinieri informatike HEI Unit: Department of Computer Engineering
78 Master of Science Inxhinieri telekomunikacioni HEI Unit: Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
79 Master of Science Inxhinieri elektronike HEI Unit: Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
80 Master of Science Inxhinieri Gjeodezi HEI Unit: Department of Geodesy
81 Master of Science Inxhinieri Hidroteknikë HEI Unit: Department of Hydraulics and Hydrotechnics
82 Master of Science Inxhinieri Mjedisi me profile: Trajtim Uji; Energjetikë HEI Unit: Department of Environmental Engineering
83 Master of Science Inxhinieri Ndërtimi profili gjeoteknik HEI Unit: Faculty of Civil Engineering
84 Master of Science Inxhinieri Ndërtimi me profil: a. Ndërtim dhe Administrim; b. Strukturist; c. Infrastrukturë e Transportit HEI Unit: Department of Construction and Transport Infrastructure
85 Master of Science Inxhinieri Gjeologjike, me profile: a. Gjeoinformatikë; b. Gjeologji inxhinierike dhe hidrogjeologji; c. Gjeologjia e vendburimeve të hidrokarbureve; d. Mineralogji – Gjeokimi – Petrologji – Statigrafi; e. Vendburimet e mineraleve të dobishme - Petrologji HEI Unit: Department of Applied Geology, Geo-informatics
86 Master of Science Inxhinieri elektrike me profil: Automatizimi i industrisë; Energjetikë HEI Unit: Department of Automation
87 Master of Science Inxhinieri Mekanike, me profile: Energjetikë; Konstruksion Makinash dhe Mjete Lëvizëse; Prodhim dhe Menaxhim Industrial HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
88 Master of Science Inxhinieri Materiale me profile: Materiale; Metalurgji dhe fonderi HEI Unit: Department of Production and Management
89 Master of Science Inxhinieri tekstili dhe mode HEI Unit: Department of Textile and Fashion
90 Master of Science(IP) Arkitekturë me profile: a. Arkitekturë; b. Urbanistikë HEI Unit: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
91 Phd Inxhinieri e burimeve minerare HEI Unit: Department of Mineral Resources Engineering
92 Phd Inxhinieri Mekanike, me nënfusha "Inxhinieri Mekanike" dhe "Inxhinieri e Materialeve" HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
93 Phd Inxhinieri Matematike HEI Unit: Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Engineering
94 Phd Konstruksione Mekanike dhe Vlerësimi i Integritetit Strukturor HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
95 Phd Inxhinieri Elektrike, nënfusha "Automatizimi i Industrisë" HEI Unit: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
96 Phd Inxhinieri Fizike HEI Unit: Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Engineering
97 Phd Teknologjitë e Informacionit dhe Komunikimit me nënfusha "Inxhinieri Informatike" dhe "Telekomunikacion dhe Inxhinieri Informacioni" HEI Unit: Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
98 Phd Gjeologjia dhe Mjedisi HEI Unit: Department of Earth Sciences
99 Phd Inxhinieri Elektrike nënfusha "Energjitikë" HEI Unit: Department of Electric Power Systems
100 Phd Gjeodezi HEI Unit: Department of Geodesy
101 Phd Inxhinieri Nafte dhe Gazi HEI Unit: Department of Energy Resources
102 Phd Arkitekturë-Urbanistikë HEI Unit: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
103 Phd Inxhinieri Elektrike profili: a. Elektroenergjitikë; b. Automatizimi i Industrisë; c. Elektroteknikë HEI Unit: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
104 Phd Gjeodezi HEI Unit: Faculty of Civil Engineering
105 Phd Inxhinieri Mekanike me profil: a. Inxhinieri Mekanike; b. Inxhinieri Materiale HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
106 Phd Inxhinieri Fizike HEI Unit: Department of Physics Engineering
107 Phd Inxhinieri Matematike HEI Unit: Department of Mathematics Engineering
108 Phd Inxhinieri Informatike HEI Unit: Department of Computer Engineering
109 Phd Teknologjitë e Informacionit dhe Komunikimit HEI Unit: Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
110 Phd Inxhinieri Ndërtimi me profil: a. Inxhinieri Ndërtimi; b. Inxhinieri Mjedisi; c. Inxhinieri Hidroteknike HEI Unit: Department of Environmental Engineering
111 Phd Arkitekturë - Urbanistikë HEI Unit: Department of Architecture
112 Phd Gjeoshkencat, Burimet dhe Mjedisi HEI Unit: Faculty of Geology and Mining
113 MND Materiale me profile: a. Materiale Metalike dhe Alternative; b. Materiale Tekstile HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
114 MND Automatikë dhe Teknologjitë e Kontrollit HEI Unit: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
115 MND Inxhinieri Mekanike me profile: a. Sistemet e Prodhimit dhe Proceset Teknologjike; b. Sistemet e Energjisë dhe Proceset Termike; c. Sistemet e Transportit dhe Menaxhimi i Trafikut HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
116 MNP Tekstil dhe Stilim Mode HEI Unit: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering